Gripping Thumbs & Fingers in Yoga Postures
Thumb & finger tip grip builds anti-aging neuroplasticity
What our yoga practice does for our brain can seem like science novel fiction. To think we have the power over our lives to write our own story. To tell our minds what to think and emotionally self regulate harnessing power to respond to thoughts and emotions versus react. Building these neural pathways needs to encompass a full relationship with the breath. In yoga asana practice a sense of ease within precision focused effort bares results our minds today struggle to grasp as a real possibility. We show up as we are and understand the value of meeting ourselves where we are at by applying full body theraputic attunement. Our thumbs are associated with the limbic system of the brain, particularly the amygdala, responsible for processing emotions, especially fear and basic instincts, due to the large area dedicated to thumb control in the brain compared to other fingers; essentially, the thumb represents the "emotional" part of the brain when using a hand model.
Holding traction in yoga postures, we address neuroplasticity, rewiring thought and emotional patterns. Thumb and finger tip grips play an intergral role in using yoga for longevity, building neural pathways through repetition.
Myofascial chain tension at the thumbs translates into relationship with torque control along spine. We assume our body is living, breathing and continuously making calculations based on assessment of data input. Strive to understand the depth of relationship, there is no separation of systems, while we compartmentalize we always consider the whole.
Our grip is essential in the process of building neuroplasticity to rejuvenate our spine and brain. We come alive inside out.
The limbic system is involved in a wide range of functions, including:
Emotional processing: Regulating emotions such as fear, anger, happiness, and sadness
Memory formation and retrieval: Consolidating memories and associating them with emotions
Motivation: Driving behaviors that are essential for survival, such as eating, drinking, and reproduction
Decision-making: Influencing choices based on emotional factors
Stress response: Coordinating the body's response to stressful situations
Reward processing: Experiencing pleasure and reinforcement.