Terms and Conditions:

All sales are final. To cancel membership please send an email or txt to stop a recurring payment. No questions asked. No loopholes! Class packages expire after 6 months from purchase date.

This website is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice or attention of heath-care professionals. Consult your physician before beginning or making changes in your diet and exercise regiment, for diagnosis and treatment of injuries and illness, and for advice regarding interactions with other prescribed medications.

These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. Go Ferment Yourself LLC / Hot Yoga Rochester DBA makes no formal claims about all nutritional information, but reflects the wide-range of professional and personal opinions regarding fermentation, yoga and pilates health enhancing properties.  


We do not claim anything regarding our products and services other than your satisfaction. Our products and services are to be used at your own discretion. While we state our beliefs of what we think these products and services will do, they simply are our beliefs of what we have designed the products to do – they are not claims. We have to stress that nothing on this web site, including the testimonials, can be construed to mean any claim to treatment, diagnosis or curing of disease. Your results can and will vary.

Affiliate Links Occasionally, links within pages or posts may be affiliate links. That means that if you purchase a product after clicking a link on my site, I may recieve a small percentage of the sale. 

The information provided by hotyogarochester.com on this site or by its agents or employees by phone, fax or other transmission medium including any links to and from this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, course of action or medical treatment. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated any of the statements or contents of this website. The information contained herein is NOT intended, nor should it be used to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease or condition.

FDA regulations do not permit any company to publish information regarding medical conditions or treatment of disease in combination with, support for, or as an incentive to purchase dietary health supplements. Our website IS NOT in any way, directly or indirectly, an advertisement or claim for any actual products for their effectiveness or use in relation to the treatment of any disease or medical condition, nor shall it be construed as such.

www.hotyogarochester.com absolutely makes no such claims or connections that any products and services is suitable to treat any disease or condition.

Go Ferment Yourself INC does not provide specific medical advice, is not engaged in providing medical or professional services and does not endorse any medical or professional service or information obtained through or by any links to or from this site. Use of the information on this site does not replace proper medical consultations with a qualified health or medical professional to meet the health and medical needs of you or a loved one.

You exercise your own judgment when reviewing any information and/or purchasing any product on this web site. Please check with a physician or health professional if you suspect you are ill.

No representation that information or products, referenced on this website are available, appropriate or legal in any country or region outside the U.S. Those who choose to access this website are solely responsible for compliance with applicable law. Use of this website is at your own risk.


All contents of this web site are copyrighted. Redistribution, retransmission, republication or commercial exploitation of the contents of this website are expressly prohibited without the written consent. All rights reserved.

Neither Go Ferment Yourself LLC nor any of its directors, employees, or agents will be liable for damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the use of this site, including compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages. Use of this website and these terms of use shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. You and Go Ferment Yourself LLC irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in New York in connection with any action arising out of or related to these terms, this website, or their subject matter and waive any objection based on lack of personal jurisdiction, place of residence, improper venue or forum non conveniens.

The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and in the event any provision hereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or un-enforceability shall not in any way affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.


 Privacy Policy:

Go Ferment Yourself Inc takes personal privacy very seriously. Your personal information is only used to process orders. It will never be shared with any other parties. All purchasing data is kept confidential. Email addresses are only added to our newsletter if the user opts-in.



The purpose of this release and waiver (the “Waiver”) is to openly communicate the risks of practicing both yoga and group fitness classes, either in person or online, and have you release Go Ferment Yourself, INC (d/b/a Hot Yoga Rochester) of any liability. Please be aware that if you do not sign this Waiver and agree to its terms, you will not be permitted to participate in our classes. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY, UNDERSTAND FULLY, AND ASK QUESTIONS IF ANYTHING IS UNCLEAR. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THIS WAIVER. BY SIGNING THIS YOU AGREE YOU ARE SIGNING AWAY YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.

1. Parties. We will refer to Go Ferment Yourself, INC a Limited Liability Company registered in the State of New York as “The Studio”, “us” or “we” and we’ll refer to you, the undersigned (electronically or by hand) or person who has clicked “I Agree” to this Waiver, as “you” or “your”.

2. Activities. You are or will be participating in yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops offered by the studio during which you will receive information and instruction about yoga, fitness and health. These classes entail intensive physical activity conducted in a heated room, approximately 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and require exertion by you. You recognize that such physical activity and exertion may be difficult and strenuous and may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. You understand that participating in these classes poses inherent risks, some more obvious/serious than others. These risks can result in serious harm and injuries that could change your quality of life and, in very rare and extreme circumstances, may even result in death. Injuries include but are not limited to things like muscle tears, strains and other musculoskeletal injuries, sprains, broken bones, cardiovascular complications, dehydration, dizziness, and fainting. Exposure to and contraction of COVID-19 or other communicable diseases passed on via other participants and use of shared space or equipment. You are fully aware of and accept the risks and hazards involved.

3. Consulting your Physician. You understand that it is your responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding your participation in yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops, and to receive prior approval to participate.

4. Affirmation of Health. You represent and warrant that you are physically fit, and you have no medical condition or injury that would prevent your full participation in the yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops. In consideration of being able to participate in yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops, you agree to assume all full responsibility for any risks, conditions, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which you might incur or aggravate as a result of your participation.

5. Pregnancy. If you are pregnant or may be pregnant, you understand that it is your responsibility to consult your physician prior to participating in classes.

6. COVID-19 / Infectious Disease. Amidst the current developments surrounding communicable diseases, you acknowledge that every time you participate in yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops, you are affirming that you are healthy and that you do not present an increased risk due to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases. If you are suffering from symptoms of a communicable disease or are unsure of your health and ability to practice, please consult with your doctor and we urge you not to visit our studio or participate in our classes and programs.

You voluntarily agree to assume all the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to yourself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that you may experience or incur in connection with your attendance at the studio or participation in studio classes. On your behalf, you hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless the studio, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Studio, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. You understand and agree that this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Studio, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any studio class.

You are required to follow any studio rules and policies including but not limited to social distancing, limited use of facilities, hygiene practices, and personal responsibility towards each other to ensure everyone’s safety while practicing in our studios. Failure to comply with such rules and policies may result in you being removed from the facility at the discretion of studio staff and its management.

7. Hands on Adjustments. You understand that there may be physical adjustments by the teacher from time to time and that it is your responsibility to let the teacher know if you do not want to be touched/adjusted. Please advise in advance if you do not want any hands-on adjustments.

8.Online and Digital Content. There are additional risks posed by participating in yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops online, as there is no in-person supervision or space provided for you, and you will therefore need to ensure your safety using your judgment about how to best practice by not pushing yourself too far or attempting anything you feel unsure how to perform.

9. Privacy Policy. You understand that by signing below You acknowledge and accept the website privacy policy and explicitly opt in to receiving email notifications and newsletters.

10. Refunds. The tuition and registration fees paid herewith and hereafter are non-refundable. Such refunds, if any, shall be entirely within the discretion of the studio. You also state that, except for a monetary refund, you have no claims against Go Ferment Yourself, LLC, or the landlord of the premises by reason of their refusals to allow you to participate in any yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops offered by the studio.

11. Credit Card on File. All clients are required to have a credit card on-file. Our technology partners and payment processors are fully PCI-compliant and your information is securely stored with the highest security standards

12. Lost or Stolen Property. You understand that you are responsible for locking up your personal possessions and that the studio is not liable for any lost or stolen items under any circumstances.

13. Age of Consent. You are 18 years or older. You understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing Go Ferment Yourself, LLC or its landlord from all liability, (b) promising not to sue them, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in this activity, including travel to, from and during the activity and/or participating in classes off-premises in an online or digital format.

14. Media Release. By being a student at our studio, you agree to grant us the irrevocable right to use your image, likeness, photographs, video content, audio recordings of you captured in our studio or that you share with us online (via your own or others posting of you) as part of our online streaming, marketing and sales throughout the world and in perpetuity. You also release us from all claims you may have relating to the use mentioned in this section. Please let us know if you ever want us to stop using an image of you.

15. Release, Waiver, and Indemnity. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops, You knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim You may have or acquire against Go Ferment Yourself, LLC, or the landlord, or any premises at which it may operate, for any injury, condition or damages that You may sustain as a result of entering or being on the premises or participating in the Programs. This includes any harm as a result from the use or misuse of any personal space heaters, humidifiers, clothing, bands, blocks, and/or other equipment you choose to use while participating in any online or digital class with Go Ferment Youself, LLC. You, your heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Go Ferment Yourself, LLC, or the landlord of any premises at which it may operate for any injury, condition, or death which arises, is caused by or is aggravated by reason of your participation in any yoga and fitness classes, health programs and/or workshops offered by the studio.

16. Jurisdiction. You understand that this document is written to be as broad and inclusive as legally permitted by the State of New York. You agree that if any portion is held invalid or unenforceable, You will continue to be bound by the remaining terms.

17. Entire Agreement. This Waiver constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and replaces any prior agreements.

18. Headings. The headings used in this Waiver are for stylistic purposes only and none of the content in the headings are intended to be legally binding.

19. Online Agreement. We agree that this Agreement may be signed electronically or agreed to by having you click “I Agree” and or “Terms and Conditions”, the effect of which will be the same as if we signed the Agreement by hand and the intention of which is that both parties desire to be bound by all the terms of the Agreement.


Hot Yoga Rochester

Bikram Yoga