Joint Oil - Eagle Posture

Do you change the oil in your car?

Treat you body with respect. Warm it up nicely and do things slowly.


Always, in yoga , whether you are a beginner or are advanced, you are each day pushing your body just a little farther. You should think of it like you are an explorer going into new territory. Wise explorers go slowly, for they never know what is around the next bend. It can be harmful to come out of a pose too fast. It is a single most sure way to hurt yourself in yoga, to ambush your poor muscles, take them unawares. Doing a pose when you are not warmed up properly. It is another way to ambush your muscles. Like a blacksmith, it is important to heat up a muscle before you try to remold it. Just common sense, it is not different from any thing else. So, never make sudden movements. That way muscles warm up naturally and are never subjected to a strain they are not ready for. You have an opportunity, when you go slow, to know and to stop in time/ If you are not mindful, your poor muscles get frightened and tighten up quick. You could strain or worse yet, pull something. This is a nuisance, as it takes tome to stop being sore when you strain or pull things, and this slows your progress. Exact attention to your body for optimal benefit!

Let’s get into our video on Eagle Posture! Video is on Instagram page linked below:


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